Massage Chair Heaven
4 Tips to Get Your Massage Chair Up the Stairs

4 Tips to Get Your Massage Chair Up the Stairs

The weight of a typical massage chair could range from 15 to 400 pounds or 50 to 180 kg. A massage chair's weight is determined by its type, functionality, and construction materials. There's also the myth that a massage chair gets better as one gets heavier. Similarly, many people think that lightweight massage chairs have fewer interesting characteristics.



Moving your massage chair might be safe if you take precautions to answer your question. Nonetheless, extra caution must be used when relocating the chair, particularly if it is upstairs. Additionally, it would be ideal if you ensured that your stairwell is sufficiently roomy to prevent any portion of the chair from slamming into the wall or other obstacles. These four pointers will assist you in moving your massage chair up the stairs.

Make some measurements

Our eyes can trick us when it comes to how we perceive space. Even though they appear broad at first, doorways, corners, and cars get smaller as you get closer. It can be a waste of time and effort to make an educated judgment about whether your massage chair would fit just to find out you were wrong. Take a tape measure and measure the massage chair's measurements before you start moving. Next, measure the spaces that the chair must pass through.

Consider the weight of the massage chair before deciding to move it up the top floors, especially if you don’t have plenty of help transferring it. Many people think that the extra weight of a massage chair is worth it because it adds durability and solidity to the chair. Others choose lightweight solutions because they have simpler needs, less room in their homes, and lower costs.

Use sliders or moving blankets

Consult the product description or owner's handbook to find out your massage chair's mobility functions. Given the chair's dimensions and weight, the information in the handbook can help you get a sense of how you can move it, especially up the stairs. In this case, you can use a slider or moving blanket to relieve some weight off your shoulders.

Lifting a chair won’t always be easy, significantly if you're not strong or don't have anyone to assist you. Fortunately, for a few dollars, you can still transfer your massage chair safely. Investing in furniture sliders will be wise if you move more things aside from your massage chair. After rolling these small rubbery circles under the chair's legs, the chair should glide effortlessly across the floor. If your chair lacks legs, a moving blanket will suffice. At least, now you have enough strength to lift the chair up the stairs.

Massage chair qualities relative to its weight

Like other appliances, massage chairs take up valuable space in your home and are a significant financial investment in your health. Think about how often you plan to move the chair or how easy it will be to move a chair into and out of your space. The functions of the massage chair are a crucial factor to consider, as more sophisticated chairs are typically heavier. You also need to think about how the chair will be used, considering the other people who will find it enjoyable.

Handle the massage chair with care

A massage chair can be moved, but you must do it carefully to avoid damaging the chair or hurting yourself. Lift the chair from the bottom rather than yanking or dropping it when moving it. Using a cart or furniture sliders to assist with moving the chair is also advised, particularly if it is heavy.

Moving massage chairs needs to be done carefully; if you think you can do it on your own, go ahead but proceed with additional caution. Most massage chairs have wheels built into the back, which facilitates the use of furniture sliders for support. Make sure all doors and hallways are sufficiently wide for safe entry before rearranging your chair.

2 Easy-to-move Massage Chairs


If you have decided to bring the massage chair home, you should consider its size and weight. Tiny homes require space-saving massage chairs because they are usually lighter than larger ones. If you choose one with a superior design that weighs significantly more, consider its portability if you plan to relocate it occasionally. If you need to alter anything in your home, these two chairs are lightweight and portable.

Titan Pro Vigor 4D Massage Chair

Original Price: $9,999

Discounted Price: $5,999


Modern massage technology is included in the Titan Pro Vigor 4D Massage Chair to cure common aches and pains swiftly and effectively. Its four-dimensional massage rollers target every inch of your neck, shoulders, glutes, and spine with determination and precision. Additionally, the Vigor employs a sophisticated digital body scan to map out every inch of your shoulders and spine.

The Vigor massage rollers are guided from your shoulders to your glutes by a specially made SL track. The sophisticated rollers in this chair distribute a soft heat across the neck and glutes in a single, soothing motion. Use the Vigor's second-stage zero gravity reclining to unwind even more and enter a more peaceful frame of mind. This chair is also lightweight, so moving it won’t be as difficult as you thought it would be.

Infinity IT-8500 PLUS Massage Chair with Inversion Therapy

Original Price: $6,999

Discounted Price: $5,999


Among Infinite Therapeutics' best-selling inversion treatment massage chairs is the Infinity IT-8500 PLUS Massage Chair with Inversion Therapy. Built with many premium features, this massage chair can compete with any massage chair in its price range or more. With cutting-edge technologies including inversion therapy positions, which promote relaxation in body areas that the back massage roller cannot reach, the Infinity IT-8500 Plus massage chair offers a high-quality massage experience.

In Summary


Contrary to popular belief, moving around a massage chair is not that tough. Before making a purchase, think about the features you want, the person getting massaged, and how often you want to move the massage chair around your home.

To place your order, visit Massage Chair Heaven or contact us at 1-833-627-7245 or via live chat.

The weight of a typical massage chair could range from 15 to 400 pounds or 50 to 180 kg. A massage chair's weight is determined by its type, functionality, and construction materials. There's also the myth that a massage chair gets better as one gets heavier. Similarly, many people think that lightweight massage chairs have fewer interesting characteristics.



Moving your massage chair might be safe if you take precautions to answer your question. Nonetheless, extra caution must be used when relocating the chair, particularly if it is upstairs. Additionally, it would be ideal if you ensured that your stairwell is sufficiently roomy to prevent any portion of the chair from slamming into the wall or other obstacles. These four pointers will assist you in moving your massage chair up the stairs.

Make some measurements

Our eyes can trick us when it comes to how we perceive space. Even though they appear broad at first, doorways, corners, and cars get smaller as you get closer. It can be a waste of time and effort to make an educated judgment about whether your massage chair would fit just to find out you were wrong. Take a tape measure and measure the massage chair's measurements before you start moving. Next, measure the spaces that the chair must pass through.

Consider the weight of the massage chair before deciding to move it up the top floors, especially if you don’t have plenty of help transferring it. Many people think that the extra weight of a massage chair is worth it because it adds durability and solidity to the chair. Others choose lightweight solutions because they have simpler needs, less room in their homes, and lower costs.

Use sliders or moving blankets

Consult the product description or owner's handbook to find out your massage chair's mobility functions. Given the chair's dimensions and weight, the information in the handbook can help you get a sense of how you can move it, especially up the stairs. In this case, you can use a slider or moving blanket to relieve some weight off your shoulders.

Lifting a chair won’t always be easy, significantly if you're not strong or don't have anyone to assist you. Fortunately, for a few dollars, you can still transfer your massage chair safely. Investing in furniture sliders will be wise if you move more things aside from your massage chair. After rolling these small rubbery circles under the chair's legs, the chair should glide effortlessly across the floor. If your chair lacks legs, a moving blanket will suffice. At least, now you have enough strength to lift the chair up the stairs.

Massage chair qualities relative to its weight

Like other appliances, massage chairs take up valuable space in your home and are a significant financial investment in your health. Think about how often you plan to move the chair or how easy it will be to move a chair into and out of your space. The functions of the massage chair are a crucial factor to consider, as more sophisticated chairs are typically heavier. You also need to think about how the chair will be used, considering the other people who will find it enjoyable.

Handle the massage chair with care

A massage chair can be moved, but you must do it carefully to avoid damaging the chair or hurting yourself. Lift the chair from the bottom rather than yanking or dropping it when moving it. Using a cart or furniture sliders to assist with moving the chair is also advised, particularly if it is heavy.

Moving massage chairs needs to be done carefully; if you think you can do it on your own, go ahead but proceed with additional caution. Most massage chairs have wheels built into the back, which facilitates the use of furniture sliders for support. Make sure all doors and hallways are sufficiently wide for safe entry before rearranging your chair.

2 Easy-to-move Massage Chairs


If you have decided to bring the massage chair home, you should consider its size and weight. Tiny homes require space-saving massage chairs because they are usually lighter than larger ones. If you choose one with a superior design that weighs significantly more, consider its portability if you plan to relocate it occasionally. If you need to alter anything in your home, these two chairs are lightweight and portable.

Titan Pro Vigor 4D Massage Chair

Original Price: $9,999

Discounted Price: $5,999


Modern massage technology is included in the Titan Pro Vigor 4D Massage Chair to cure common aches and pains swiftly and effectively. Its four-dimensional massage rollers target every inch of your neck, shoulders, glutes, and spine with determination and precision. Additionally, the Vigor employs a sophisticated digital body scan to map out every inch of your shoulders and spine.

The Vigor massage rollers are guided from your shoulders to your glutes by a specially made SL track. The sophisticated rollers in this chair distribute a soft heat across the neck and glutes in a single, soothing motion. Use the Vigor's second-stage zero gravity reclining to unwind even more and enter a more peaceful frame of mind. This chair is also lightweight, so moving it won’t be as difficult as you thought it would be.

Infinity IT-8500 PLUS Massage Chair with Inversion Therapy

Original Price: $6,999

Discounted Price: $5,999


Among Infinite Therapeutics' best-selling inversion treatment massage chairs is the Infinity IT-8500 PLUS Massage Chair with Inversion Therapy. Built with many premium features, this massage chair can compete with any massage chair in its price range or more. With cutting-edge technologies including inversion therapy positions, which promote relaxation in body areas that the back massage roller cannot reach, the Infinity IT-8500 Plus massage chair offers a high-quality massage experience.

In Summary


Contrary to popular belief, moving around a massage chair is not that tough. Before making a purchase, think about the features you want, the person getting massaged, and how often you want to move the massage chair around your home.

To place your order, visit Massage Chair Heaven or contact us at 1-833-627-7245 or via live chat.

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