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Are Luraco Massage Chairs American and What Makes Them Unique to Asian Massage Chairs?

Are Luraco Massage Chairs American and What Makes Them Unique to Asian Massage Chairs?

Brand recognition and performance play a huge role in selecting a massage chair. The quality of a brand can affect the product's overall performance. Identifying a trustworthy go-to brand should be prioritized.


You should consider durability and massage technique features before jumping into a significant purchase, such as a massage chair. After all, buying a massage chair is a considerable investment, so doing your research is important. Since there are many massage chair brands on the market today, selecting the perfect massage chair can be tricky.

However, there's a relatively new brand whose popularity has risen within the massage chair community. Luraco is a globally respected brand that provides quality service and is entirely made in the USA. Everything from the materials to the manufacturing of these massage chairs is distinctly and proudly American.

Everything Unique About Luraco

The name and brand aren't the only highlights of why Luraco made it big in the massage chair community. Based on the quality of their work alone, the brand has a lot going for it in terms of massage technology. Unlike other massage chair brands, Luraco doesn't solely allocate its technology to massage chair development since it has a vast portfolio of products. Its literacy in technical engineering shows in how they develop such excellent massage chairs.

High-end Standards

As with all of Luraco's designs, the massage chairs deliver consistently deliver premium service every time. Each model provides the same high-quality standard while maintaining Luraco’s unique sense of personality and style. This is unique in massage chairs because it's evident that Luraco takes time to perfect its craft. Additionally, Luraco has strict quality control in all of their chairs, ensuring you only receive the best massage chair unit.

For example, most of their models have shoulder detection or a form of tech that allows the chair to act intelligently. This opens up numerous possibilities that are unique in all Luraco-branded chairs. The sense of having consistent and high-end standards in all their models proves that Luraco knows its tech. With the fantastic engineering that it took to make these chairs, it's safe to say Luraco is reliable.

Luraco's excellence doesn't end there. This brand has more to boast of other than quality. Their brand makes sure that what you're getting is the latest the massage tech can offer you. With this, you're probably going to enjoy timely and updated massage chair tech every time they release a new model. This adds another layer of high-end standards in everything Luraco since they're insanely tech-savvy.

Incredible Design and Tech

The sense of consistency isn't the only thing differentiating Luraco from most Asian massage chairs because they excel in tech, too. While it's true that other Asian massage chairs are incredibly advanced, Luraco always manages to take it a step further. For example, they developed a new style and approach to zero gravity recline to separate it from the standard zero-g found in other massage chairs on the market today.

Luraco has a 2G Zero Gravity recline tech, unlike other massage chair brands, which is practically a better zero-g experience. It incorporates technological designs from NASA to guarantee you your very own perfect massage session. 2G Zero Gravity offers two different stages to your zero-g recline, unlike others that only have one.

More design features easily make Luraco-branded chairs a technological marvel other than zero-g. For one, they've managed to integrate Bluetooth technology, Body Scan System, Air Bag Technology, Reflexology, and Noise Reduction all in one model. It takes skill to engineer something of that magnitude since there are so many factors to consider. This goes to show how advanced Luraco is.

Two Luraco-branded Chairs That Stand Out on the Market

LuracoMassage ChairLuraco iRobotics Sofy Full Body Massage ChairBlackMassage Chair Heaven

The massage chair market is oversaturated with tons of models from different brands, and they all function differently. From how they work to what they offer, every massage chair is exceptional, and their performance may differ, too. However, Luraco-branded massage chairs are always easier to spot since they give off something special that you can see. Here are some of Luraco's best models you can now get.

1. Luraco iRobotics Sofy Full Body Massage Chair

Original Price: $4,490

Discounted Price: $3,490

The Luraco iRobotics Sofy Full Body Massage Chair—Sofy for short—is one of Luraco's top two. Sofy is packed with tons of massage chair features that you can enjoy for yourself. Its primary design consists of an L-track system that makes your session convenient for your back.

Sofy comes with loads of automation, with an intelligent robot being the backbone of the model. Its heavy-duty robotic mechanism easily mimics real-life massages to make you enjoy a spa treatment.

2. Luraco i7 Plus Medical Massage Chair

Original Price: $11,490

Discounted Price: $8,990

Massage chairs aren't only meant for luxury and leisure anymore since they have made their way to the medical field. Luraco i7 Plus Medical Massage Chair is one of the widely used massage chairs explicitly meant for health benefits. Its features revolve around maximizing the amount of tension that can be released from your tense muscles. From a seat swing to a calf massager, this chair prioritizes major muscle areas that hurt a lot.

Like its nine automated programs, its amazing 3D massage tech adds to the other massage features i7 already has. This chair can be played around with its five memory programs as well, so you can make your perfect session.

In Summary

Brand reputation plays a deciding role in choosing your massage chair since you have to know if it's reliable or not. Luraco is one of the fastest-growing brands when it comes to reputation because of its outstanding products. If you're interested in learning more about Luraco, you can contact Massage Chair Heaven at 1-833-627-7245. You can also reach us through our site's live chat feature if you have further inquiries.

Brand recognition and performance play a huge role in selecting a massage chair. The quality of a brand can affect the product's overall performance. Identifying a trustworthy go-to brand should be prioritized.


You should consider durability and massage technique features before jumping into a significant purchase, such as a massage chair. After all, buying a massage chair is a considerable investment, so doing your research is important. Since there are many massage chair brands on the market today, selecting the perfect massage chair can be tricky.

However, there's a relatively new brand whose popularity has risen within the massage chair community. Luraco is a globally respected brand that provides quality service and is entirely made in the USA. Everything from the materials to the manufacturing of these massage chairs is distinctly and proudly American.

Everything Unique About Luraco

The name and brand aren't the only highlights of why Luraco made it big in the massage chair community. Based on the quality of their work alone, the brand has a lot going for it in terms of massage technology. Unlike other massage chair brands, Luraco doesn't solely allocate its technology to massage chair development since it has a vast portfolio of products. Its literacy in technical engineering shows in how they develop such excellent massage chairs.

High-end Standards

As with all of Luraco's designs, the massage chairs deliver consistently deliver premium service every time. Each model provides the same high-quality standard while maintaining Luraco’s unique sense of personality and style. This is unique in massage chairs because it's evident that Luraco takes time to perfect its craft. Additionally, Luraco has strict quality control in all of their chairs, ensuring you only receive the best massage chair unit.

For example, most of their models have shoulder detection or a form of tech that allows the chair to act intelligently. This opens up numerous possibilities that are unique in all Luraco-branded chairs. The sense of having consistent and high-end standards in all their models proves that Luraco knows its tech. With the fantastic engineering that it took to make these chairs, it's safe to say Luraco is reliable.

Luraco's excellence doesn't end there. This brand has more to boast of other than quality. Their brand makes sure that what you're getting is the latest the massage tech can offer you. With this, you're probably going to enjoy timely and updated massage chair tech every time they release a new model. This adds another layer of high-end standards in everything Luraco since they're insanely tech-savvy.

Incredible Design and Tech

The sense of consistency isn't the only thing differentiating Luraco from most Asian massage chairs because they excel in tech, too. While it's true that other Asian massage chairs are incredibly advanced, Luraco always manages to take it a step further. For example, they developed a new style and approach to zero gravity recline to separate it from the standard zero-g found in other massage chairs on the market today.

Luraco has a 2G Zero Gravity recline tech, unlike other massage chair brands, which is practically a better zero-g experience. It incorporates technological designs from NASA to guarantee you your very own perfect massage session. 2G Zero Gravity offers two different stages to your zero-g recline, unlike others that only have one.

More design features easily make Luraco-branded chairs a technological marvel other than zero-g. For one, they've managed to integrate Bluetooth technology, Body Scan System, Air Bag Technology, Reflexology, and Noise Reduction all in one model. It takes skill to engineer something of that magnitude since there are so many factors to consider. This goes to show how advanced Luraco is.

Two Luraco-branded Chairs That Stand Out on the Market

LuracoMassage ChairLuraco iRobotics Sofy Full Body Massage ChairBlackMassage Chair Heaven

The massage chair market is oversaturated with tons of models from different brands, and they all function differently. From how they work to what they offer, every massage chair is exceptional, and their performance may differ, too. However, Luraco-branded massage chairs are always easier to spot since they give off something special that you can see. Here are some of Luraco's best models you can now get.

1. Luraco iRobotics Sofy Full Body Massage Chair

Original Price: $4,490

Discounted Price: $3,490

The Luraco iRobotics Sofy Full Body Massage Chair—Sofy for short—is one of Luraco's top two. Sofy is packed with tons of massage chair features that you can enjoy for yourself. Its primary design consists of an L-track system that makes your session convenient for your back.

Sofy comes with loads of automation, with an intelligent robot being the backbone of the model. Its heavy-duty robotic mechanism easily mimics real-life massages to make you enjoy a spa treatment.

2. Luraco i7 Plus Medical Massage Chair

Original Price: $11,490

Discounted Price: $8,990

Massage chairs aren't only meant for luxury and leisure anymore since they have made their way to the medical field. Luraco i7 Plus Medical Massage Chair is one of the widely used massage chairs explicitly meant for health benefits. Its features revolve around maximizing the amount of tension that can be released from your tense muscles. From a seat swing to a calf massager, this chair prioritizes major muscle areas that hurt a lot.

Like its nine automated programs, its amazing 3D massage tech adds to the other massage features i7 already has. This chair can be played around with its five memory programs as well, so you can make your perfect session.

In Summary

Brand reputation plays a deciding role in choosing your massage chair since you have to know if it's reliable or not. Luraco is one of the fastest-growing brands when it comes to reputation because of its outstanding products. If you're interested in learning more about Luraco, you can contact Massage Chair Heaven at 1-833-627-7245. You can also reach us through our site's live chat feature if you have further inquiries.

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