If you have ever taken any massage session from a therapist, you might be aware that you need to be mindful of what you should or shouldn’t wear. Some massages require you to have a bare body, while few others can be performed from the top of the client’s clothes, provided the clothes are not too fancy.
Any sharp or blunt solid object attached to the clothes could ruin your whole massage experience. It can also cause internal and external injuries to your muscles. Hence, it is of utmost importance that you know what clothes you can wear and what types of clothes you must avoid before going for a massage session.
If you are getting a massage in the massage chair, things are slightly different here as it doesn’t involve any human touch or guidance. Most of us often remember to play relaxing music, put the phone in silent mode, and stop any ongoing conversation while preparing for a rejuvenating massage session. People do not usually pay attention to their outfits, and some don’t even care. Let us remind you that it is still a machine giving you the massage, and it cannot determine whether you are wearing the right outfit. You need to be mindful of the attire you choose to wear during the session, just like taking care of any other thing. Continue reading this article to know more about how to dress for a massage to make it a pleasant and far more relaxing experience.
Why should one spend time deciding or changing clothes for a massage?
This question needs a little bit of self-introspection. You can get a massage wearing a tuxedo if you are running late and don’t have enough time to change. But the question is, will you be able to get the most of it?

Probably not, as you’ll be more worried about your expensive clothes rather than relaxing and calming your mind. You might also feel discomfort to some extent as your clothes are tightly hugging you from all sides.
You can wear any comfortable cloth. It would be best to keep in mind that the massage chair is an electro-mechanical device that can't distinguish between your skin and clothes. Make sure that massage rollers are not hurting your skin while you are taking a deep-tissue massage.
When you go to a therapist for a body massage, you probably will be asked to remove your clothes and put on the massage disposable underwear. So in most cases, you don’t even have to think of the attire if it’s about getting a massage from the massage parlor or Spa. Also, the therapist might use massage oil or lotion for a better experience and enhanced relaxation. Hence it is good to go shirtless to keep your clothes clean and safe.
The best outfit that we can suggest is something that is loose and doesn’t hamper the motion of the rollers while getting a massage from the massaging chairs. The device’s heat and vibration might not reach your body in the desired way if your clothing is inappropriate for the massage.
What about Shoes, can we wear them?
Although it’s entirely up to you whether you are comfortable with shoes or without them, there is no compulsion in that. Many people know the importance of a nice foot massage and the immense benefits one can get from the foot massage. If you are in for a full body massage, leave your shoes out of the room. If you just want a back and shoulders massage, you can keep your shoes on.
Our massage chair for sale comes with integrated foot massagers. Check out some of the best-rated products that come with an integrated ottoman for the most amazing foot massages:
Kahuna Heated Full Body Massage Chair SM-9300
- At $8,900 (26% OFF), this masterpiece from Kahuna is an amazing 4D massage chair. It also comes with 8 rollers (infrared heating enabled).
Infinity Dynasty 4D Massage Chair
- This massage chair comes with an 'Automatic Foot-Rest Extension,' making foot massage accessible for tall people. Currently, the massage chair for sale price of this product is $8,999.00.
Osaki 4D Encore Full Body Massage Chair
- An amazing release by Osaki, it is an extremely powerful massage chair at just $7,999. It has 9 auto massage programs and 8 manual programs. The 3-roller reflexology foot massager gives you the best possible foot massage.
There are certain types of clothes that you should not wear during a massage chair session. Some cloth materials make it much difficult for the massage chair to focus on the actual point of action to deliver a great massage experience. Few clothes are quite rough for the skin and cause irritation and rashes while getting high compression and vibration massage.
Clothes to avoid when using a massage chair:
Jackets and Coats – Due to their thick layer of clothing, which makes the massage ineffective.
Latex materials – They are sensitive and can tear-down quickly.
Delicate fabric like silk or furry clothes – Chances of getting ripped and torn up are high.
Hats, Belts, and Sunglasses – Might get hurt if these objects fall between you and the rollers.
Sweatshirts/bulky sweaters – They block the vibrations and heat, make massage inefficient and ineffective.
Cloth with sharp/tangible decorative items – These can cause cuts and scratches in the skin.
Apart from the above cloth types mentioned in the above list, you can wear almost any clothes receiving a massage in the massage chair.
If you are still not sure about it, here is the list of clothes you can wear before a massage chair session:
Clothes made of cotton materials – The best choice is to go for cotton clothes.
T-shirts – A comfortable t-shirt can be a perfect massage dress.
Slack – A smooth pant made of wool knit or blended fabric, better than jeans and chinos.
Linen and poly materials – Linen is also the right choice for a massage dress.
Light knit tops – Try not to wear a bulky one.
A massage chair’s primary purpose is to provide you relaxation, comfort, and pleasure. Most importantly, it heals and relieves you of any stress. Your clothes should not become an obstacle to a great massage session or cause you any discomfort. Instead, it should complement the massage chair by giving you a comfortable and satisfying feel.
We hope this article helped you understand the importance of choosing the right dress for your massage therapy session in a massage chair. Feel free to contact us to know more or visit our website to read more relevant articles. You can also call us at (833) 627-7245 and use the Live Chat.