Do you like getting massages? Of course, you do. Even if you have never been to a massage therapist before, the idea of getting a therapeutic massage must have come to your mind. Massage, as a therapy, has many benefits. You get rid of your day-to-day stress, and your muscles get relaxed. However, it is not entirely practical to go to a therapist daily. You can, instead, get yourself a massage chair. Similar to massage therapy, there are many massage chair benefits too.
You’ll come across the brand ‘Osaki’ whenever you decide to buy a massage chair. Osaki is one of the top-most brands in the massage chair industry, manufacturing high-quality massage chairs for years. In this article, we’ll let you know about one of Osaki’s most popular massage chairs that you can buy from us.
Are you ready?
Introducing the Osaki AmaMedic Hilux 4d Massage Chair: A perfect blend of quality and style! This massage chair comes in the luxurious category and has taken over the market since it was released. It is a beautifully designed product that’s crafted with the highest possible quality. It has some of the best massaging chair features that you won’t see in any other brands and models. Let’s check out some of the fantastic features of this premium massage chair.
Features of Osaki AmaMedic Hilux 4D massage chair
Advanced 4D Massage
Enjoy the advanced 4D massage technology that comes equipped with this awesome massage chair for sale. This technology allows the massage rollers to penetrate deeper into your back muscles and give pain-relieving experiences. There are eight automatic 4D massage programs in this chair: Demo, Relax, Swing, Stretch, Scraping, Shiatsu, Gentle Relief, and Rejuvenate. All of these programs give you unique therapeutic massage experiences, along with a calm and relaxed mind.
Heated Back Roller Massage
With the most advanced back heating mechanism, this massage chair pad offers the best heating massage therapy for your back. The massage rollers get heated and mimic the hot stones that are generally used by massage therapists. Its infrared heating system works better than the conventional thermal heating system. The heated rollers massage your neck, back, glutes, and upper hamstrings. The heat loosens up the muscles, and the rollers knead them with the 4D technology.
SL-Track Massage Chair Design
The AmaMedic Hilux 4D massage chair pad has both the S and L track design: SL-Track. Please check out S-Track vs. L-Track to know the difference. In the SL designed massage chair, the first half, i.e., the S-Track, enables the rollers to travel along the user’s spine’s curvature. The second half, i.e., the L-Track, maneuvers the rollers to go inside the seating area and massage the user’s glutes and upper hamstrings. This design covers 50% more massage area than a regular S-Track massage chair.
Full Body Air Massage With 18 Airbags
Most of the massage chairs for sale have 50, 80, or even more than 100 airbags. Does it mean that they are better than the AmaMedic Hilux 4D? Not necessarily! This massage chair only has 18 airbags, but they cover more surface area than the other massage chairs’ airbags. These airbags are strategically placed in different locations, such as the shoulders, calves, and others. Moreover, reducing the number of individual airbags only makes the chair easier and cheaper to repair if anything breaks down.
Advanced Side Panel and Touch Screen Controller
The side panel controller is one of the most advanced controllers a massage chair can have. It has 4D intensity adjustment buttons, Pause & Start buttons, an Auto button, Zero-Gravity button, Position Adjustment button, heating button, and a Footrest massage button. All of these controls are entirely in reach of the user enjoying a massage session. There is also a touch screen controller that can also be used as a tablet. You can use the magnetic holder to place the screen installed in one of the hand-rests.
2 Stage Zero-Gravity Relining
This Osaki massage chair pad comes equipped with a 2-stage zero-gravity technology. This technology is actually inspired by NASA. It is a reclining feature that positions your knees above the level of your heart. It also takes away the weight from your glutes and distributes it to your back. One of the AmaMedic Hilux 4D massage chairs’ unique features is that it sets the intensity level as per your body weight. Zero-Gravity is considered the most optimal position for an intense and therapeutic massage session. You’ll feel extraordinarily stress-free and relaxed after you complete a session in this uniquely reclined position.
Foot & Calf Kneading
This unique Osaki massage chair offers one of the most relaxing calf massages of all time. The airbags located in the leg region use compression and decompression techniques to massage your calves. They also move in a circular motion to give your calves a good kneading experience. The reflexology spinning foot rollers give your feet the most fantastic massage experience. The rollers work in synergy with the ankle airbags to target your shiatsu pressure points.
When the chair is in an upright position, its dimensions are 62.2” x 31.8” x 47.6”. When you use it in a full reclining position, the dimensions are 76.4” x 31.8” x 42.5”. The maximum user weight it can handle is 270 lbs. The footrest can extend up to 7.1”. You can choose to buy this chair in either of these three colors: Black, Brown, and Taupe.
Should You Buy Osaki AmaMedic Hilux 4D Massage Chair?

This massage chair is one of the most popular massaging chairs from Osaki. People who have bought it just love it. If you want a massage chair that can solve your muscle pain issues and help you with your stress level, you should definitely buy it. The maximum retail cost of this chair is $9,749.00. But we have this massage chair for sale at a discounted rate of just $5,999. You’ll also be eligible for a free 3-year residential warranty if you buy from us.
Please call us at (833) 627-7245. or chat with us through our website’s Live Chat function. We’ll be delighted to help you with your queries.