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What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome And How Can A Massage Chair Help ?

What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome And How Can A Massage Chair Help ?

Median nerve compression, most notably called carpal tunnel syndrome, has risen in many cases over the past months of quarantine around the US. The sudden increase could be suggested that numerous people have been exposed to long periods of inactivity within the median nerve. Basically, this phenomenon has spiked due to the prolonged periods of exposure to a desk-based work environment due to the pandemic.


It's been statistically proven that the pandemic caused a good number of people to be more exposed to desk-based work environments for long hours.

In addition, with most jobs taking place online and in front of devices, the wrists not being in a neutral position is compromised. Also, the lack of exercise among many young adults has significantly dropped when the pandemic hit due to most outdoor activities stopping.

Despite having tons of available information online, most people only seem to see home remedies to ease the symptoms while not preventing them.

One good way of preventing the worsening of this condition from the get-go is a consistent massage administered almost daily. With that, many people opt to purchase massage equipment that could do just that since massages are medically studied to give your body tons of benefits.

Understanding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and its Treatment

Before getting to know how massages help decrease the chances of carpal tunnel syndrome, it's best to understand the condition first.

Knowing how the body works and how it reacts to stimuli should always be understood before finding a way to treat it. For carpal tunnel syndrome, the basic idea is there's weakness in the hand caused by built-up pressure that passes through the wrong path.

Studying carpal tunnel syndrome

CTS is a condition that causes tingling, numbness, or weakness in the affected hand due to built-up tension or pressure on a nerve. It's important to differentiate this from arthritis since the nature of the pain is different; therefore, treatment would be different.

When diagnosis gets tricky, it's always best to consult the professionals before administering treatment to prevent further worsening of the hand.

However, once it's been proven to be carpal tunnel syndrome, you're looking at three distinct features of the condition now: burning, shocking, and tingling sensations. The main problem is that the median nerve isn't functioning correctly due to its pressure, which would mean slower nerve reaction and strength loss. One of the most common causes of the condition revolves around repetitive motion or overwork of the wrists.

How massages help

Since the problem heavily revolves around pressure build-up within the median nerve, finding a way to relieve the tension could help. Massage therapy is an effective way to relieve CTS-related symptoms and is one good way to prevent it from happening.

Massages help reduce inflammation, numbness, and pain that are often brought about by carpal tunnel by lengthening the muscles in the wrist and hand.

One specific massage technique that has been highly suggested to help is deep tissue massages since they can precisely hit and stimulate pressure points. Targeting these trigger points greatly reduces the tension within the wrist and hand and helps increase joint mobility to decrease the chances of CTS. Also, reflexology greatly helps to unlock wrist joints and relieving the tension on the median nerve.

2 Massage Equipment That May Help With CTS ?

Carpal tunnel syndrome sufferers often experience annoying and sharp pains from the moment they wake up to the moment they go to bed.

Consistency is key to trying to treat or lessen the chances of CTS since leaving the condition alone would make it worse. If you're suffering from this condition, acting on it should be prioritized, so here are some massage chairs that can help treat it.

1. Osaki TP-8500 Massage Chair

Original Price: $4,395

Discounted Price: $2,999

Most CTS sufferers look for treatment for this condition to prevent further and heavier expenses on medication to cure the pain. Due to this, if you'd want a good and reliable massage chair that could help you with your recovery and prevention, it should be affordable. Therefore, if you're looking for a low-priced yet high-end massage chair that would be perfect for your condition, then Osaki TP-8500 is your best bet.

TP-8500 is one of Osaki's well-designed massage chairs with various features handy for specific conditions such as CTS. For example, the chair comes with shoulder and arm support that would help you stretch and get the pain-prone areas of your body relieved from tension. In addition, the chair comes fully supported with a deep-tissue massage feature that has been medically studied to be the best massage type for CTS.

2. Infinity Riage X3 Massage Chair

Original Price: $7,998

Discounted Price: $3,999

Another great massage chair that could help you relieve and lessen the chances of carpal tunnel syndrome is the Infinity Riage X3 Massage Chair.

Fashioned with a comfortable armrest with full arm coverage that stretches the hand, X3 is a must-buy if you're looking for comfort while treating yourself. It also supports an L-track feature that allows your shoulders to be positioned where it's at ease to relieve pressure.

Furthermore, it uses air compression therapy, one of the most efficient massage techniques to help relieve pressure within the muscles.

Also, it has reflexology, a feature that targets vital pressure points on the feet that are often linked with other muscle groups of the body. Overall, the Riage X3 is a good purchase even if you're not suffering from CTS since it's an incredibly well-designed massage chair for everyone.

In Summary

Carpal tunnel syndrome is one condition that's often overlooked, which leads to it getting worse over time. An excellent way to combat this condition and prevent it from worsening is consistent massages and having an overall healthier lifestyle. If you'd like to inquire more about these models, please contact us at 1833-627-7245 or through our live chat feature since we’d gladly accommodate you.

Median nerve compression, most notably called carpal tunnel syndrome, has risen in many cases over the past months of quarantine around the US. The sudden increase could be suggested that numerous people have been exposed to long periods of inactivity within the median nerve. Basically, this phenomenon has spiked due to the prolonged periods of exposure to a desk-based work environment due to the pandemic.


It's been statistically proven that the pandemic caused a good number of people to be more exposed to desk-based work environments for long hours.

In addition, with most jobs taking place online and in front of devices, the wrists not being in a neutral position is compromised. Also, the lack of exercise among many young adults has significantly dropped when the pandemic hit due to most outdoor activities stopping.

Despite having tons of available information online, most people only seem to see home remedies to ease the symptoms while not preventing them.

One good way of preventing the worsening of this condition from the get-go is a consistent massage administered almost daily. With that, many people opt to purchase massage equipment that could do just that since massages are medically studied to give your body tons of benefits.

Understanding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and its Treatment

Before getting to know how massages help decrease the chances of carpal tunnel syndrome, it's best to understand the condition first.

Knowing how the body works and how it reacts to stimuli should always be understood before finding a way to treat it. For carpal tunnel syndrome, the basic idea is there's weakness in the hand caused by built-up pressure that passes through the wrong path.

Studying carpal tunnel syndrome

CTS is a condition that causes tingling, numbness, or weakness in the affected hand due to built-up tension or pressure on a nerve. It's important to differentiate this from arthritis since the nature of the pain is different; therefore, treatment would be different.

When diagnosis gets tricky, it's always best to consult the professionals before administering treatment to prevent further worsening of the hand.

However, once it's been proven to be carpal tunnel syndrome, you're looking at three distinct features of the condition now: burning, shocking, and tingling sensations. The main problem is that the median nerve isn't functioning correctly due to its pressure, which would mean slower nerve reaction and strength loss. One of the most common causes of the condition revolves around repetitive motion or overwork of the wrists.

How massages help

Since the problem heavily revolves around pressure build-up within the median nerve, finding a way to relieve the tension could help. Massage therapy is an effective way to relieve CTS-related symptoms and is one good way to prevent it from happening.

Massages help reduce inflammation, numbness, and pain that are often brought about by carpal tunnel by lengthening the muscles in the wrist and hand.

One specific massage technique that has been highly suggested to help is deep tissue massages since they can precisely hit and stimulate pressure points. Targeting these trigger points greatly reduces the tension within the wrist and hand and helps increase joint mobility to decrease the chances of CTS. Also, reflexology greatly helps to unlock wrist joints and relieving the tension on the median nerve.

2 Massage Equipment That May Help With CTS ?

Carpal tunnel syndrome sufferers often experience annoying and sharp pains from the moment they wake up to the moment they go to bed.

Consistency is key to trying to treat or lessen the chances of CTS since leaving the condition alone would make it worse. If you're suffering from this condition, acting on it should be prioritized, so here are some massage chairs that can help treat it.

1. Osaki TP-8500 Massage Chair

Original Price: $4,395

Discounted Price: $2,999

Most CTS sufferers look for treatment for this condition to prevent further and heavier expenses on medication to cure the pain. Due to this, if you'd want a good and reliable massage chair that could help you with your recovery and prevention, it should be affordable. Therefore, if you're looking for a low-priced yet high-end massage chair that would be perfect for your condition, then Osaki TP-8500 is your best bet.

TP-8500 is one of Osaki's well-designed massage chairs with various features handy for specific conditions such as CTS. For example, the chair comes with shoulder and arm support that would help you stretch and get the pain-prone areas of your body relieved from tension. In addition, the chair comes fully supported with a deep-tissue massage feature that has been medically studied to be the best massage type for CTS.

2. Infinity Riage X3 Massage Chair

Original Price: $7,998

Discounted Price: $3,999

Another great massage chair that could help you relieve and lessen the chances of carpal tunnel syndrome is the Infinity Riage X3 Massage Chair.

Fashioned with a comfortable armrest with full arm coverage that stretches the hand, X3 is a must-buy if you're looking for comfort while treating yourself. It also supports an L-track feature that allows your shoulders to be positioned where it's at ease to relieve pressure.

Furthermore, it uses air compression therapy, one of the most efficient massage techniques to help relieve pressure within the muscles.

Also, it has reflexology, a feature that targets vital pressure points on the feet that are often linked with other muscle groups of the body. Overall, the Riage X3 is a good purchase even if you're not suffering from CTS since it's an incredibly well-designed massage chair for everyone.

In Summary

Carpal tunnel syndrome is one condition that's often overlooked, which leads to it getting worse over time. An excellent way to combat this condition and prevent it from worsening is consistent massages and having an overall healthier lifestyle. If you'd like to inquire more about these models, please contact us at 1833-627-7245 or through our live chat feature since we’d gladly accommodate you.

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