The most significant advantage of purchasing a massage chair at home rather than a live massage therapist is convenience. Many people would want to receive daily massages but do not have time or cannot afford to see a massage therapist regularly. A home massage chair makes it considerably more convenient to enjoy a peaceful and revitalizing experience.
There are countless massage chairs on the market as more companies compete by incorporating cutting-edge technology into their seats. If you're considering purchasing one, you may ask what the distinctions between 2D, 3D, and 4D massage chairs are. The massage chair you are taking home will have a long-lasting impact on the comfort level you want for yourself and your family with every massage.
A 2D massage chair is a conventional one with only two pressure levels. The first level usually delivers light to medium pressure, ideal for people who want relief from minor pains. Level two, however, will use much greater force but still less than a 3D or 4D massage chair. 2D massage chairs are less expensive than the 3D and 4D ones, and here are the five best options available.
Kyota E330 Kofuko Massage Chair
Original Price: $4,999
Discounted Price: $4,799
The Kyota E330 Kofuko Massage Chair is a perfect example if you are looking for an affordable massage chair with the features of an expensive type. It comes with a four-node L-track massage mechanism that travels from the neck down to the shoulders to your gluteus muscles. This chair also has airbag massages in the arms, shoulders, palms, feet, and calves.
Despite its affordable price, the Kyota E330 Kofuko Massage Chair boasts a sophisticated look that could match even the most expensive ones in the market. Its built-in heating elements in the chair's back and legs will make you feel like you're inside a high-end sauna. Its classic design shouldn't worry you as this chair is one of the most space-saving massage chairs that allows you to push it within two inches from the wall.
Other fantastic features of the Kyota E330 Kofuko Massage Chair include the precise zero-gravity mechanism, decompression massage, and scanning technology. These features are great bonuses for their price, as this chair gives you relief, comfort, and much more. Experience the convenience of a world-class massage in your home's comfort with the Kyota E330 Kofuko Massage Chair.
Luraco iRobotics Sofy Full Body Massage Chair
![KyotaMassage ChairKyota E330 Kofuko Massage ChairBrown & BlackMassage Chair Heaven](
Original Price: $4,490
Discounted Price: $3,490
The Luraco iRobotics Sofy Full Body Massage Chair incorporates patented intelligent robot massage techniques that are sure to provide you with an excellent massage. The heavy-duty robotic feature aids in the massaging sensation that will surely make you come back for more. This 2D massage chair doesn't lack the fantastic look and function of the market's high-end 3D and 4D massage chairs.
The Calf rollers on the Luraco iRobotics Sofy full-body massage chair are on the massage chair's footrest. The Intensity adjustment on this chair lets you pick how mild or strong you prefer your session to be. The Luraco iRobotics Sofy also has shoulder recognition, which detects where your shoulders are as you recline in this cinematic massage recliner.
Limitless Slender HM-5000 Kahuna Massage Chair (SL-Track)
Original Price: $2,499
Discounted Price: $1,999
The Limitless Slender HM-5000 Kahuna Massage Chair (SL-Track) massage chair from Kahuna is a perfect choice for first-time massage chair owners and even as an additional massage chair. This superbly built, sleek, and slim SL-Track massage chair is ideal for your room or office. With its uncompromised essential characteristics, the Kahuna HM-5000 Massage Chair is vital for practical use for rapid relaxation and complete body massage.
The HM-5000 massage chair is called limitless and slender due to its exquisite design and space-saving stature. This 2D chair also has two configurations for your soles and calves, a four-roller SL-track system and a dual calf or foot roller system. A customizable zero-gravity technology, five adjustment levels for speed, airbags, and three width levels for rollers are the other brilliant features of this chair.
Osaki OS-4000T Massage Chair
Original Price: $4,499
Discounted Price: $2,499
The Osaki OS-4000T Massage Chair massage chair is configurable and includes body scan technology, an upgraded 2D roller, and an S-Track massage robot. This chair also features heated back cushions, adjustable headrests, three auto programs, two customizable programs, and eight pre-programmed massages. If you want a one-stop destination for relaxation at an affordable cost, the OS-4000T massage chair is for you.
Kneading and firming, T-shell, kneading, rolling, and deep-tissue massages are among the massage modes available on the Osaki OS-4000T Massage Chair. The OS-4000T's rollers, which are equipped with innovative technology, can map the back curve more precisely. It also comes with an ergonomic design to take various spine shapes. This chair has also re-engineered and developed the next wave of air massage technology, reducing the number of air massagers.
Inner Balance Wellness Ji Zero Wall Heated L Track Massage Chair
Original Price: $3,499
Discounted Price: $2,499
You'll appreciate coming home to your Inner Balance Wellness Ji Zero Wall Heated L Track Massage Chair after a long day at work for a pleasant full-body massage. The Ji seats SL Track roller technology, which moves from your neck to your glutes, will provide you with an enjoyable full-body massage. While you lie back in zero gravity, the foot rollers will massage the soles of your feet.
The Inner Balance Ji combines the newest Quad Style Roller and Body Scan Technology to provide a more humanistic massage. This chair incorporates S and L track technology to provide the best massage experience possible. The Inner Balance Ji massage chair's clever body-scanning feature can detect your body's main acupuncture spots, allowing the rollers to conform perfectly to your height and build.
In Summary
The first thing to understand about a full-body massage chair compared to other models available today is that they have different functions and features. However, if you think of these as distinct models that all fall under the same umbrella, you'll get a clearer sense of what kind of model would be best for you.
To place your order, visit Massage Chair Heaven or contact us at 1-833-627-7245 or via live chat.